Wastewater Treatment 

Effluent Discharge

Eco Detection’s Ion-Q+ technology is a cutting-edge, cost-effective and highly efficient solution for wastewater treatment plants looking to:

  • Gain real-time, comprehensive water quality data and insights
  • Provide real-time nutrient discharge alerts to ensure environmental compliance
  • Protect local ecosystems from harmful discharges
  • Reconcile effluent discharge data with variable WTTP operations across the day

The Challenges

Water utilities are facing a growing challenge: servicing an expanding population with ageing infrastructure while continuing to reduce their environmental impact.

Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) discharge Nitrogen and Phosphorous into waterways under a license granted by local Environmental Protection Authorities (EPA). However, exceeding these discharge limits can result in significant penalties, as well as environmental harm.

Under the General Environment Duty (GED), businesses are required to understand and manage the risks they pose to the environment. This includes maintaining a clear ‘State of Knowledge’ about any potential risks.

As the population grows, the demands placed on WWTPs continue to increase, and many older plants struggle to cope. Additionally, climate change contributes to higher sewer system Infiltration and Inflow (I&I), which leads to surges in influent and exacerbates these challenges.

However, traditional methods, such as manual grab sampling and laboratory analysis are increasingly impractical due to resource constraints, delay in obtaining data for immediate reconciliation of daily operations and the high costs associated with frequent sampling.

The Benefits

Provides frequent, in-situ monitoring of TN and TP levels, enabling immediate corrective actions.

Eliminates the need for manual sampling, allowing more frequent monitoring without additional strain on resources.

Significantly lowers the total cost of effluent operations data compared to manual grab sampling and laboratory analysis.

Enables water utilities to manage growing populations and ageing infrastructure while minimising environmental impact.

Helps ensure discharge limits are consistently met, reducing the risk of penalties from regulatory authorities.

Reduces the risk of harmful downstream discharges, helping prevent eutrophication and algal blooms.

Data is fed directly into plant SCADA systems for quick decision-making and automated actions.

Enhances the “State of Knowledge” for WWTPs, providing necessary risk management oversight of the operations.