Operating specifications

Fully autonomous, water sampling and analysis

No biofouling, no drift and no field calibration required

Up to 12 months continuous operation without servicing

Operates anywhere – solar and satellite option – with data available in the cloud within minutes

Direct ionic measurement (no spectral absorption or inferred measurement)

A flexible sampling frequency that can be altered remotely, plus external trigger options for event-based sampling

Robust and field-ready, the Ion-Q+ can operate on 110-240 VAC mains power, or it can be powered by solar and battery sources, providing flexible energy options, including for remote or difficult-to-access settings.

It offers internet connectivity via cellular or satellite networks, ensuring continuous operation, even without internet access.

The sampling frequency is customisable, ranging from hourly to other preferred intervals that meet the specific needs of the operation. It is also remotely adjustable, responding quickly to any adjustments in sampling needs.

In terms of accuracy, the device is laboratory grade. It has an indicative tolerance of ±10% or 0.05 mg/L, whichever is greater. The operating temperature range is between -5°C to +40°C (23°F to 104°F). In-built heaters make it suitable for various environmental conditions.

The device is rated with an environmental protection classification of IP 54 for the Ion-Q+, while the external sub pump and sensors are rated IP 68, ensuring resilience in different environments.

Ion-Q+ performs effectively in a range of water qualities. It is compatible with water conditions where conductivity is ≤ 2,000 μS/cm and turbidity is ≤ 1000 NTU.

Service requirements are minimal, with maintenance recommended once every 1,000 samples (with average use, this equates to a service schedule of once per year).

An extendable platform allows for future analyte analysis, while a Modbus interface allows auxiliary senses to conduct a range of other water quality measurements.

Ion-Q+ Operating Specifications Summary

PowerMains power: 110-240 VAC input

Solar & Battery: nominal 350W panel and 100mAhr lithium batteries
ConnectivityInternet via cellular or satellite
Sampling frequencyFlexible, from 15 mins to hourly

Scheduled times of day or via external trigger
Accuracy+/- 10% or 0.05 mg/L, whichever is greater (indicative*)
Service intervalEnvironmental: 365 days / 1,000 samples per service interval

WTP Operations: 1,000 samples
Operating temperature-5°C to +40°C (23°F to 104°F) ambient temperature
Environmental ratingIon-Q+ – IP 54

External sub pump and sensors – IP 68
Compatible water conditionsConductivity ≤ 2,000 μS/cm

Turbidity ≤ 1000 NTU

Total Suspended Solids ~ 4,000 mg/L (WTP aeration tanks)

*Note: The sensitivity of the Level of Detection (LOD) can be tuned for different applications. The specifications listed are based on current field installations. An Eco Detection site survey will confirm the operating range for prevailing site conditions.

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