How it works

How it works

Ion-Q+ technology is unique in the marketplace

  • Every water sample is mixed with a known reference standard before it is injected into the capillary electrophoresis chamber, providing absolute measurements of the analytes, and eliminating any need to calibrate the equipment.
  • Whereas sensors and probes are known to drift in calibration – especially where high loads of N are present – Ion-Q+ eliminates this issue using a reference standard with every analysis.
  • From taking a sample to having data available in the cloud takes less than an hour, providing timely feedback for operations to take action.
  • The Ion-Q+ commences analysis within minutes of taking a sample, eliminating any issues associated with sample preservation and providing representative results.

How Ion-Q+ compares

Training personnel

Sampling Equipment

Site survey

Installation of autonomous Ion-Q+ in field
(one day)

Install sampling pump in water

Power (solar, 110 – 240 VAC)

Site survey

Multiple probes to cover all required analytes to measure

Data logger

Power (solar, 240 volt)

Representative sample

Same spot / depth


On ice

Transport / despatch to the lab

Sample preservation consideration

Pre-scheduled times

External sample trigger


Sample bottles

Esky and Ice

Sampling pole

2 x people (safety)

Drive to site (scope 3 impact)
Access river


Automatic flush of sample pipe

Lab comparison data initially required to
set up the probe

Sample received at lab

Logged, receipt

Split sample (for various equipment / tests)

Full range of analysis

Quality check (NATA AUS)

Onsite CZE technology

Multi-parameter analysis including total Inorganic Nitrogen and Dissolved Reactive Phosphorous

Self-calibrated, internal reference standard with each and every sample

MCERTS UK accreditation in progress

Ongoing, from every 1-5 minutes

Analysis for the probes installed

Periodic calibration

Software (Lab and customer based)

Management reporting

Compliance reporting

Data transfer and/or integration possible

Consolidated data to the cloud

Management reporting

Compliance reporting

Data visualisation platform, data
download via REST API

Data to the cloud

Data transfer and/or integration possible

Ongoing training

Site access maintenance

Laboratory equipment maintenance 

or re-purchasing


After every 1,000 samples 

(approx. once every 10 months at 4/day)

Remotely monitored with alerts

Ongoing and intensive



Remaining submerged, wet

Full range of testing

NATA accredited

Meets EPA licence

Autonomous: 24/7, 365 days, all weather

Daily reconciliation of plant operations

Accurate, effectively in real time

General Environment Duty (GED)

High frequency monitoring

Quick indicative analysis