Eco Detection has automated the measurement of dissolved inorganics to a unique level of sensitivity using laboratory-grade capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) technology.
Our in-field Ion-Q+ system is fully autonomous, making it ideal for wastewater processing, critical infrastructure, remote operations, aquaculture, research and general water chemical analysis.
Data can integrate into your systems, while an enriched end-to-end data analysis service provides greater insight for the effective management of waterways and water assets.
Why choose Eco Detection’s Ion-Q+?
Continuous Water
Quality Monitoring
High frequency sampling effectively
in real-time, 365 days of the year.
Reliable &
Dependable Data
Autonomous, forensic grade data, available to be fed directly into plant SCADA systems.
& Drift Free
Unique technology uses a known reference standard with each sample analysed.
Proven Field Operations
Deployed by leading water utilities and universities.
Lower Total Cost
Capex purchasing or Opex leasing options available to suit your budget.
Risk & Compliance Tool
Cloud-based data available in effectively real time, supported with automated alerts.
The lab in the field
The Ion-Q+ automates the measurement of dissolved inorganics to a unique level of sensitivity, providing accurate, reliable data in a timely manner.
- Each analysis is calibrated against an internal standard
- No biofouling, no drift and no field calibration required
- Up to 12 months continuous operation without servicing
- Operates anywhere – solar and satellite option
- Data available in the cloud within minutes
- Direct ionic measurement (no spectral absorption or inferred measurement)
- A flexible sampling frequency that can be altered remotely and external trigger options for event-based sampling